Saturday, November 21, 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is all about web applications that allows its users to communicate and collaborate on the World Wide Web. It brings together blogging, social networking, wiki, tagging, podcasts, and RSS onto one website. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and change its content. It is unlike many websites visited today where people are only allowed to look at the information presented to them. Web 2.0 is all about bringing a change to the World Wide Web.

Web 2.0 means a great deal to every single person who uses the Internet and therefore, it means a great deal to educators. The best thing about Web 2.0 is that it allows its users to do more than just receive information, it gives them the capability to interact and to build upon information. This is an amazing resource for educators. Schools could set up a Web 2.0 site for the entire school in which all educators and administrators can have complete access to. This would be the perfect way to present all school information in one location for students and parents. There is so much that can be done with this technology.

As a future educator, any new technology that arises that makes my job easier is important to me. And Web 2.0 technologies would make things easier by bringing multiple applications together in one place. It also allows for easy interaction between myself and colleagues and myself and parents. Web 2.0 also allows for an easy way to present, share, and change information as a group. It is just an amazing resource for educators. I resource in which I plan to learn more about and take full advantage of.

This week's video was so much fun! I love when teachers aren't afraid to get involved and do something creative to teach their students. Mr. Duey's students will never forget that video and therefore, will never forget how to work with fractions. I loved the video. I thought it was fun and informative. Way to go Mr. Duey!

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