Friday, November 13, 2009

Powerpoint Presentations

This week in class we worked with Powerpoint Presentations. We got into groups and used our textbook 50 Quick and Easy Powerpoint Activities to create two powerpoint presentations. My partner and I decided that we would each do one powerpoint presentation a piece. I quickly decided to do my powerpoint presentation on activity #46: Top 10 Reasons to Live in Utah. I chose this activity because I love living in Utah and I thought it would be fun. I spent the class period organizing my top 10 reasons to live in Utah and finding pictures to support those reasons. I love working with powerpoint presentations. I think it is so fun to pick a template, play with fonts, and organize information. However, my favorite part of powerpoint presentations are using animations. I had such a great time getting creative with each slide. In the end, I am very happy with how my presentation turned out.

Powerpoint presentations are an awesome teaching tool for educators. There are so many things that you can do with powerpoint presentations to enhance education. Powerpoint presentations bring new life to lesson plans. They are a great way to variate instruction and make learning fun. Powerpoint presentations can cover any topic in a new and unique way. Through this resource, teachers can make lessons colorful, animated, and attention grabbing. Powerpoint presentations can also be used in faculty meetings and as a communication tool between teachers and parents. There are so many great things to do with powerpoint presentations. The possibilities are endless!

I cannot wait to use powerpoint presentations in my classroom when I become I teacher. I plan to use powerpoint presentations to present important information in a fun and exciting way. I also plan to allow my students to use powerpoint presentations for projects or reports. I will also use powerpoint presentations to communicate with my parents. My powerpoint presentations will help parents to know what is happening in the classroom, They will also serve as an aid for those students who are absent from class. I am so excited to use powerpoint presentations to enhance and variate my teaching.

This week's video was so great! I was immediately captivated by little Dalton Sherman. I was touched by his confidence and his enthusiasm. The thing that touched me that most was when he said that he and his classmates needed us (teachers) to believe in them and in their potential. What a powerful statement! Dalton is correct. The one thing that students need more than anything is teachers who believe in them and push them to live up to their full potential. The video brought me to tears and inspired me to try harder and to better. After watching this video, I am committed to being the very best teacher that I can be.

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