Saturday, October 10, 2009

Digital Cameras in the Classroom

In today's world of ever-present and ever-growing technology use, it shouldn't be a huge surprise that digital cameras are making their way into our classrooms. After reading information about digital camera use in the classroom, I realized how beneficial digital cameras can be to education. Through the use of digital cameras, educators can present important concepts, foster creativity, capture classroom memories, and so much more. By embracing this technology, we as educators can open new doors for our students.

There are so many pros to using digital cameras in the classroom. Digital cameras can enhance power point presentations. Students will be able to see real-life examples of important learning concepts through pictures taken by you on a digital camera and placed in a power point presentation. You can get your students involved by having them take pictures relating to lessons presented in class. Digital cameras can also be used to create organization tools in your classroom such as an attendance board, seating chart, and personalized area for students. The most important thing that comes with digital camera use in the classroom is creativity. Students can express themselves in so many different ways through the use of a digital camera.

I plan to take full advantage of everything that digital cameras have to offer in my future classroom. I will have a classroom blog where pictures from my digital camera are posted weekly both by myself and by my students. The pictures on my blog will document things that happen in my classroom such as special events or projects. I also plan to use digital cameras to foster creativity in my classroom. My students will be able to create their own photo albums, storybooks, and even videos through the use of digital cameras. Digital cameras will be an important learning tool in my classroom.

I am so excited for the endless possibilities that come from using digital cameras in the classroom. As educators, we are so fortunate to live in a time in which we have all of these resources readily available to us. Through digital cameras, we can offer yet another way to present information that will be beneficial to our students. Our classrooms will be more diverse and better equipped for education if we learn about digital cameras and put them to good use in our classrooms.

This week I watched the video entitled Top Ten Things You Do Not Learn About Teaching in College. I really enjoyed the video. I thought it was very clever and funny. It made me think about what it will actually feel like to be a teacher. I found myself laughing and empathizing with the top ten things and the people who were presenting them. What a fun video!

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