Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Exam (part 2)

This week we were assigned the last two assignments of our final exam. We were assigned to create two lesson plans that are centered around technological tools that we learned about in class. The important aspect of this assignment was that the lesson plans had to be unique and "out of box". At first, I had a difficult time coming up with two "out of the box" lesson plan ideas. I started second guessing my ideas and wondering if I would be able to think of something that would be good enough for the assignment requirements. After discussing a few of my ideas with some of my classmates, I was able to reach a decision about my two lesson plans. In the end, I feel like I did the best that I could with my lesson plans.

My first lesson plan is entitled "Virtual Pen Pals". This lesson plan allows students to communicate with a student who lives in Japan via webcam. Students will share information as well as pictures with each other over the World Wide Web. Students will then write a blog from the point of view of their virtual Japanese pen pal. Students will then present what they have learned to the class in anyway that they choose. This lesson allows students to learn about a different culture through the use of many different technological mediums. This lesson also allows students to be creative in the way in which they decide to present what they have learned to the class. This lesson also addresses a variety of learners. I am excited to use this lesson plan in my future classroom one day. My second lesson plan is entitled "Electronic Storybook". This lesson plan allows students to utilize teamwork and be creative. In this lesson, students will create an original story centered around the theme "Be Kind to Others". Students will also use a camcorder or digital camera to capture video that illustrates their original story. Students will present their story to the class in the form of a Powerpoint presentation. Each slide of their Powerpoint presentation will include text and a video illustrating that text. This lesson will allow students to develop social and creativity skills. This lesson also teaches students the importance of being kind to others. I think both of my lesson plans are creative and introduce important concepts.

Now that I have completed all five assignments of the final, I am left reflecting upon all that I have learned in this class. Everything that I have learned will help me when I become an educator. I plan to use both of my lesson plan ideas in my future classroom. I also plan to utilize all forms of technology available to me and my students. I will create a variety of lesson plans that will use technology. Technology will be very present and greatly used in the education of my students.

The video that I chose to reflect upon this week is entitled "Google Wonder Wheel". I found the video on Teacher Tube. The video introduces a new search feature on Google called Wonder Wheel. The Wonder Wheel makes searching easier for younger students who have a limited vocabulary. The Wonder Wheel takes a one-word search and creates a wheel shaped like tool that simplifies and arranges search results. The video goes through an example of a search using the Google Wonder Wheel. I think this is an excellent search tool for students.

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