Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ideal Classroom Reflection

When I was a little girl, I always pretended that my bedroom was my classroom. I was the teacher and my stuffed animals were my students. Needless to say, I have been thinking about my ideal classroom for a very long time.

My ideal classroom would be a place of adventure and learning. A place in which students would feel comfortable and happy to be. A place where all things are possible. The walls of my classroom would be covered in bright colors, student artwork, and posters displaying important concepts. There would be a reading corner with a comfy couch and all the best children’s books. My classroom would also have a computer area. In the computer area, there would be enough laptops for every student in my class. The laptops would have skill building programs as well as educational games for the students to utilize. My classroom would also have a reference section that housed a full set of encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other important reference materials. My classroom would also have an area where my students could draw, color, paint, or create in anyway that they so please. There would also be a music area in my classroom. This area would have headphones, CD players, and music for my students to listen to. The music area would also contain books on music and a variety of musical instruments. There would also be a cubby hole area for my students to store all of there personal items and school materials. These cubby holes would be personalized for each student in my class. My classroom would also have a huge white board for teaching. Next to the white board would be a bulletin board that displayed a daily schedule, announcements, calendar, and any other important information. The best and most current technology would be used in my classroom. I would like to have a protector and smartboard in my classroom. I could go forever describing every single detail of my ideal classroom. However, the most important thing is that my classroom be a place in which my students feel comfortable, safe, and able to learn.

In my ideal classroom, all of my students would love school. They would enter my classroom everyday and want to learn. They would be attentive and willing to try new things. My students would take full advantage of every learning opportunity placed before them. The parents of my students would all be highly involved. The parents of my students would be aware of the subjects taught in my class on a daily basis. They would know the material that their children are expected to master. The parents of my students would make sure that homework was completed everyday. They would spend time with their children outside of class reviewing important material and concepts. The parents of my students and I would correspond through emails and through my classroom blog. We would be equal partners in the education of their children.

The core subjects taught in my classroom would be the ones required by the particular state in which I teach. However, I would also like to teach my students other important life skills. Respect would be a huge part of my classroom curriculum. Students would learn the importance of treating people with respect. My students would also learn the importance of possessing integrity. Reading would be a predominant theme in my classroom. I think that reading is so important. One of my most cherished memories from 2nd grade was when my teacher read the Ramona Quimby books to us. I still remember those books and how they helped to develop my great love of reading. The main goal of my curriculum planning will be to present my students with a well-rounded and balanced education.

I cannot wait to be a teacher. It is the only thing that I have ever wanted to do. I just want to make a difference.

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . . but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
-- Kathy Davis

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