Saturday, September 19, 2009

Everything Google (Week 2)

We were once again in the world of Everything Google. This week's class focused on Google Presentations. The class activity was so much fun! We got into groups and made a Google Power Point Presentation dedicated to classroom rules. It was a little challenging at first. We had five different people trying to manipulate one document at once. However, we quickly assigned slides and everyone got to work. I was really happy with the way that our presentation turned out. It was very colorful and contained lots of fun graphics. We did a great job!

Like last week, I am left amazed by all of the things that you can do on Google. I had no idea that you could create a Power Point Presentation on Google. And just like Google Docs, Google Presentations are online documents that are always accessible and easily manipulated. This is an amazing tool for students, business men and women, teachers, and people of many other professions. I have a group project in my Biology class. I hope that my group members have gmail so that we can work on our Power Point Presentation together online. Did I mention how awesome I think Google is?

As a teacher, I plan on using Google Presentations in a number of ways. I will definitely use it to present lessons and other important information to my students. Google Presentations will allow me to present information in a way that captures the attention of my students. I can post videos on my Google Presentations and use exciting transitions. I will also use Google Presentations to present lessons to students who are absent. Everyday I will have a summary of what we learned in class on a Google Presentations for parents to show their children. Google Presentations could also be used as a memorization tool such as learning multiplication tables. Teachers often print out flash cards for their students. I could make a Google Presentation dedicated to mutiplication table memorization. Once again, the possibilities are endless.

I went to TeacherTube to find an educational video to reflect upon this week. There were so many that I found interesting that it was difficult to pick one. The one that I decided to reflect upon is called Shake It Up. Like last week's video, Shake It Up focuses on the importance of using technology to teach. Shake It Up is all about how the world has changed and how as a result of this change, education must change. We have to prepare children for the world that we live in now and that world is a technological one. I really liked this video. It presents information that future educators need to know. I think videos like this one and the one from last week help to open the eyes of both educators and parents. Technology is everywhere and is advancing rapidly. Learning how to use it and how to teach it will make us better educators.

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